Because of your donations, our libraries will continue to transform and change lives. Your willingness to support our libraries makes all the difference in our continued efforts to strengthen literary and innovation in our communities.
Your kind gift is already helping our libraries thrive. You’re helping support the work of providing more books for readers of all ages, creating new STEM centers for kids and teens, and encouraging a love of reading in all.
Thank you.
Friends of the Prospect Library
Raymond Family Foundation
Ronald L. Katz Family Foundation
Alix George | Amy Blossom and Brad Galusha | Ed Mayer
Anthony de Porben-Platon | Arti Kirch | Barbara Ross | Ben-Baruch
Betsy Bishop | Betty Laurs | Beverly Krasner | Bill and Bette Haberlach
Bradley Youngs | Bruce Jennings | Bryce and Larraine Anderson | Bryce Pulliam
Carita M. Culmer | Carol Graeber | Carol Ingelson | Carola Lacy | Carole Manning
Carolyn and Jim Tabor | Carolyn Austin | Carolyn Barnhill | Cathie Izor
Charles Bard | Charles R. Nutzman | Charlotte Henry | Chloe Sternola
Christine Eberhardt | Cindy Barnard | Colette Boehmer
Colonel Daniel Z. Boyd USMC (Ret) | Carol Graeber and the Contemporary Book Club
Cydney Bagley | Cynthia and David McKee | Cynthia Maclaren | Dan Herdeman
Debra and Robert Herriott | Dee Anne Everson | Dennis and Colleen Beatty
Diana Newland | Don Walton | Dorise Treiger | Dottie and Alan Palamara
Dustin Rhoades | Edith Montgomery | Elinor Skeel-Neuman | Elisabeth Campbell
Elizabeth and Philip Cooper | Erica Thompson | Eugenia Walker
Fred and Roberta Stapenhorst | Gail Kohn | George and Melinda Busby
Gerrie and Wayne Leinfelder | Gigi Dobbs | Gillian Frederick | Ginny Auer
Gretchen Hamilton | Harold and Loretta Otness | Harriet Scott | Harriet Wiygul
Heidi Jensen and Kevin Lee | Helenann Ziegler | J. Camille Korsmo | Jacque Buck
Jan Gleaves | Janet Hines | Janet Reavis | Janet Rowe | Jennifer Nidalmia
Jennifer Quintano | Joan Becich | JoAnn Houghton | Joanne Berdeen
Joel and Margie Cicerrella | John and Barbara Traynor | John Lowe
John Stadelman | Joyce Tuttle | Judith Rosen and Don Matthews | Karen Mitchell
Karen Telian-Tyler | Kari May | Karyn Shirbroun | Kathleen and Neal Coyle
Kathleen Davis | Kathleen Karlovich | Kathleen Kudo and Robert Mumby
Kathy and Steve Meyer | Katie De Vry | Kirsten Giroux | Kyna and Scott Moser
Larry Strong | Laura and David Hagie | Laurel Haugen | Laurence Deniston
Laurie Grupé | Lawrence Theis | Lawson Inada | Linda Hatch | Linda Henney
Linda Tripp | Lorna Romano | Lynda Hunsley | Margaret Raymond and John Yunker
Marilyn Chartier | Marilyn Salter | Martha McIntyre | Mary Coombs
Mary Ruth Wooding | Maureen and Curtis Swift | Michael and Susan Bahr
Michael Hume | Michael Strizzi | Mick Smith and Karen McClintock
Mitch and Naomi Seidman | Mrs. Verdell Coleman | Nancy Miller | Nick Jacobson
Patrice Kaska | Patricia Browning | Patricia Brydon | Patricia Cabral
Patricia Crain | Paul Ackerman | Paul and Sharyl Westcott | Peggy Leviton
Peter Arango | Portia Becker | Randy and Helen Ellison | Ray and Lois Holdridge
Raymond and Jennifer Riggins | Becky and Charles Versteeg | Rick Leibowitz
Robert Sellman | Ron and Katharine Lang | Ruben Vasquez | Ryan Baker
Shannon Rhoades | Shea and Pascal Pinson | Sheila and Roy Kimball
Susan Brown | Susan Cain | Susan Kiefer and Ann McCaughan | Susan Miler
Tacy Huffman | George Stevens | Thomas Treger | Tom and Julie Bryant
Vicki Bryden | Victoria M Brown