Who is the Jackson county Library Foundation?
The Jackson County Library Foundation (JCLF) secures and stewards resources to support the Jackson County Library Foundation. Read more.
The Foundation is the private fundraising arm of the Jackson County Library System. Founded in 1993, and seeks private-sector support to supplement government funding.
JCLF is managed by a board of professionals and private citizens selected for the diversity of their talents. The Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization registered with the IRS and the State of Oregon. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Our federal tax ID number is 93-0854620.
Don't my taxes pay for the Jackson County Library System?
Your property taxes help cover the operating budget of the library. Donations and community support allow libraries to flourish. Contributions made to the Foundation go to support technologies, programs, and community needs that are beyond the library’s operating budget. (As of 2017, the Jackson County Library District collects a property tax levy of $.52.)
What are the advantages of having a Foundation?
The Foundation is a public charity and an independent 501(c)(3).
All donations to the Foundation are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
The Foundation has more opportunities to obtain grants to help our Jackson County Libraries.
The Foundation is not subject to local government.
The Foundation is better able to invest large sums of money meant for Jackson County Library use.
The Foundation is better able to solicit funds, especially larger donations and bequests.
How does the Foundation support the Jackson County Libraries?
Jackson County loves our libraries. The Foundation helps private donors, foundations and corporations contribute to a vibrant, flourishing library system. Our goal is to elicit funds from individuals and businesses through donations, bequests, grants, and gifts to support the present functioning of the library and to secure its future.
What does the Foundation support?
The Foundation seeks contributions to support literacy, cultural and youth programs in addition to collections, technology and capital improvements. Read more.
Unrestricted contributions made through the Foundation can be used where they are most needed, giving the Library the flexibility to respond to critical needs or special opportunities.
Does the Foundation have an endowment?
Yes. The Foundation’s endowment is well managed by the Oregon Community Foundation.
What kind of gifts can be given to the library?
While gifts of cash are the most common contribution method, gifts of all kinds will be gratefully considered, including stocks, securities, real estate, life insurance policies, charitable trusts, bequests and tributes and memorials. Donors can also include the Jackson County Library Foundation in their will, trust, or other planned giving vehicle. Read more.
How can I make a contribution?
Thank you for supporting literacy, access and learning in your community. You can make a secure contribution online or mail a contribution to the Jackson County Library Foundation, 205 S. Central Ave, Medford, OR 97501. All checks must be made payable to the Jackson County Library Foundation.
If you have questions, please call (541) 774-6572 or email info@jclf.org.
What is the difference between the Library District Board and the Foundation?
Library District Board members are elected by Jackson County voters. The Library District Board governs and makes administrative decisions for the library, such as adopting policies and setting the budget. The Foundation works to raise private funds for expanded library services and programs not included in the district budget.
How does the Foundation differ from the Friends of the Library?
Both groups work to enrich with library for the betterment of our Jackson County Libraries.
Each Jackson County Library has its own Friends group. The Friends are a volunteer-run, membership-based organization that help support their local branch library. They enhance programs, like Summer Reading, and provide additional funds for programming and materials beyond those supplied by the Jackson County Libraries. Annual membership dues and the sale of donated books are the primary sources of revenue for the Friends of the Library.
The Foundation focuses on fundraising through bequests, donations, and grants. Our funds are used for larger expenses such as capital improvements, special collections, special grants, etc.
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