A letter from Jody Fleming, Phoenix Library Branch Manager
A little more than three years ago, the citizens of Jackson County voted in favor of their
histories, their communities, and their children, when they created a Library District and approved Levy 15-122. In doing so, you saved toddler story times, Lego Days, computer classes, author lectures, Comic Cons, dozens of jobs, and fifteen clean, safe, and beautiful buildings that are open to everyone.
Carl Sagan observed that “[w]e are the only species on the planet, so far as we know, to have invented a communal memory stored neither in our genes nor in our brains. The
warehouse of this memory is called the library.”
From the history of Gasburg (that’s Phoenix now) to the history of the moon; from my daughter using the public library computers to watch Youtube to a grandmother using them to email her grandchildren; from a young reader who won the grand prize of a kite in the children’s summer reading program to that same reader winning the grand prize of a Barnes & Noble gift card in the teen summer reading program; we build our histories and communities through our connections to the library.
JCLS unites the citizens of Jackson County as patrons, neighbors, and humans. Our humanity is reflected in our confirmation of the need of our precious libraries.
Thank you!
Jody Fleming