Endowment funding provides a valuable opportunity to invest in the future of our libraries.


An endowment is an amount of money given to the Foundation with a stipulation that the funds are to be retained and invested to generate annual earnings. The annual earnings can be directed to a restricted program of your choice.

Gifts at any level may be added to the existing endowment, which is managed by the Oregon Community Foundation.

You can create a legacy to help ensure the Library will be enjoyed by generations to come. Endowed gifts provide a continued source of assistance to the Foundation and create a lasting legacy for the donor. Endowment funds are named at the donor’s request, whether in their names, in honor or in memory of a loved one. Because the principal of the endowment is never spent, such a gift represents an enduring tribute to the person honored by the fund.Establishing a new endowment fund in your name or the name of a loved one is a wonderful way to provide ongoing support to our Jackson County libraries.


Please contact us if you would like more information, including how you can make an endowment gift, the financial policies surrounding our endowments, or our distribution process. Use the form below or call the Foundation at (541) 774-6572. We look forward to hearing from you.